A city is only as habitable and economically productive as its urban planning can support. A good plan will not see its residential spaces, commercial areas, and other spaces in isolation; it sees them all as a part of the whole. Modern urban elements must be flexible in their use and in sync with the culture and lifestyle of the residents.

At AJ+Partners, urban planning starts with a thorough consultation that aims to understand the context of the city or township we are designing, and then we build on it with our experience, expertise, and creativity.

We have worked with local governments to create urban plans for multiple projects. Our latest projects include Rwamagana Land Use and Kivu Belt Tourism Masterplan commissioned by the Rwanda Housing Authority and RDB/Beed Management respectively. Both projects take into account the existing land use and merges it with a new plan for development in the region.

AJ+Partners is also behind the Vision City Physical plan and urban design. The plan required us to balance development and sustainability. At the same time, the plan has also successfully connected all the precincts in the region for easy movement of people, be it on foot or on vehicles.

At AJ+Partners, our experts envision cities that will become models of development for other aspiring communities in East Africa